Earn Extra By Joining Our Referral Program
Retain future sales & help your clients
#1 Refer a Client
Complete the referral form and provide as much information as possible about your client's needs.
#2 We Contact the Client
We call your customer and walk them through the options available for their rental property.
#3 We Pay You
We'll pay you 25% of the first month's rent as our thank you for every client who signs a PM contract.
Explore the benefits
Retain Great Clients
We're not looking to steal real estate sales from you; referring customers to us doesn't mean kissing future sales goodbye. Instead, we'll handle property management for your client and refer them back to you for sales transactions.
Elliminate Unnecessary Liability
Don't be concerned with the financial and legal risks you incur by providing advice on fair housing guidelines, insurance needs, and technical issues? Say goodbye to the liability and let us keep your client compliant.
Ironclad Contracts
We want you to know you're working with a trustworthy business partner; if you'd like, we'll give you a detailed contract that outlines the ins and outs of our referral relationship.
Protect Your Reputation
We want you to know you're working with a trustworthy business partner; if you'd like, we'll give you a detailed contract that outlines the ins and outs of our referral relationship.
Pay Referral Fee
Every client who ultimately signs a property management contract with us will net you a referral fee: 25% of the first month's rent!
Are you ready to make more money?
Enter your details below and we'll contact you about partnering up.
Average Monthly Rent $1,200.00
1yr Earnings From Just 2 Referrals/Month (of equal value) $7,200.00